Warianty tytułu
Problems Pertaining to the Restructuring and Privatization of the Food Industry in Poland in the Years 1990-1995
Języki publikacji
Artykuł przedstawia problem restrukturyzacji i prywatyzacji w sektorze rolno-spożywczym w latach 1990-1995. Proces prywatyzacji tego sektora rozpoczął się w 1991 r. i był realizowany wolniej niż w pozostałych gałęziach przemysłu. Przed końcem 1995 r. proces transformacji objął 60 procent przedsiębiorstw.
The article deals with the problems pertaining to the processes of the restructuring and ownership transformation taking place in the food processing sector in the years 1990-1995. The food processing industry is characterized by the greater than in other sectors seasonal nature of production, and, also by the fact that before 1990 some of its branches were too heavily invested in (investments that were not always economically sound). Therefore, the restructuring process of this sector was slow-paced. Also, the privatization of the sector, commenced in 1991, was slower than that of other industries. By the and of 1995 the process of the transformation of this industry embraced about 60 procent of state-owned enterprises. The forecast for the coming years, when the factors stimulating the process of ownership transformation have been introduced, look promising. (original abstract)
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Identyfikator YADDA