Warianty tytułu
Short- and Long-term Strategies for Financing Firms
Języki publikacji
Artykuł rozpatruje kwestię projektowania celów strategicznych firmy, które nie zawsze są zgodne z z krótkoterminowymi przedsięwzięciami. Te cele tworzą pewnego rodzaju pakiet ustanawiający wytyczne dla różnych sfer zarządzania.
This article looks at issues connected with designing a firm's strategic goals, which are not always compatible with its short-term measures. These goals form a kind of bundle, at once setting the guidelines for various areas of management. Depending on which strategic time horizon is adopted, short- and long-term goals, among others, can be distinguished. In searching for short-term benefits, firms often come into conflict with the long-term goals they have set for themselves. In practice, conflicts between the long and short term always have a direct impact on the financial position of the firm, irrespective of the functional area in which decisions are taken (marketing, personnel management, production etc). It is therefore particularly important when designing a strategy to define priorities properly, and then, from the point of view of management, to undertake decisions based on criteria that are coherent with the bundle of goals. It is equally important to be able to assess the firm and its managers in an appropriate way, analysing measures in the context of the firm's future position and separating short-term fluctuations from changes leading to long-term or periodic effects. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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