Warianty tytułu
The Importance of Trust Funds on the Financial Market
Języki publikacji
Autor omówił część problemów przedstawiających rolę funduszy powierniczych na rynku finansowym. Zaprezentował Towarzystwa Funduszy Powierniczych (TFP Pioneer, TFP Korona, TFP Przymierze i inne) ukazując ich rentowność w latach 1996-1998. W zakończeniu ukazał rolę funduszy powierniczych jako ośrodka przechowywania oszczędności.
This article discusses the importance of trust funds on the Polish financial market. In describing the role of funds, the author notes changes in the value of net assets managed by the funds, and then takes into account the profitability of investments over six- and twelvemonth periods in units where funds participate. The author also looks at the importance of trust funds in the capitalisation of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and compares the share of net assets in the zloty accounts of households' in order to show the role of funds in savings. When analysing net assets, the author takes into account changes in the value of net assets of all funds, changes in the value of net assets managed by perticular trust fund associations, changes in the value of net assets managed by groups of funds categorised according to their investment strategies, and finally changes in the value of net assets of particular trust funds. The article was written in 1998. Thus, the data it presents describes the situation of trust funds in the years 1996-97. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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