Warianty tytułu
Identification and Quantification of Intangible and Legal Assets
Języki publikacji
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na istotę i klasyfikację wartości niematerialnych i prawnych. Przeprowadzona charakterystyka podkreśla ich wzrastające znaczenie w działalności jednostek gospodarczych. Aktywa "nieuchwytne", wartości niematerialne i prawne trudno określić, dlatego wymagają prowadzenia prac naukowo-badawczych i dalszego doskonalenia praktyki rachunkowości w tym zakresie.
Intangible and legal assets are not easy to identify and measure both in the theory and practice of accounting in businesses. The intangibility of these assets may lead to a situation in which the existing non-material and legal entitlement are not recognized in financial reports or that fictitious entitlement are recognized of which a common example may be an intentional inclusion of the subjectively priced entitlement in the form of know how. Also, there are a lot of irregularities concerning the determination of the initial value and the redemption and depreciation of the discussed assets. Hence, in the present article, an attempt is made at carrying out an adequate analysis and ordering notions and legal requirements in the area of recognition and valuation of intangible and legal assets. The analysis has enabled an identification of the causes of the existing irregularities and set directions of improvements of accounting theory and practice in the period under discussion. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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