Warianty tytułu
Difficulties in the Evaluation of Data Obtained in International Comparative Analyses (Taking as an Example Labour Efficiency Analysis in the USA, Germany and Japan)
Języki publikacji
Międzynarodowe analizy porównawcze stanowią znaczące źródło informacji o stanie gospodarki światowej poprzez regiony i kraje. W artykule autorka prezentuje rezultaty zastąpienia klasycznej metody analiz porównawczych inną metodą tzn wskaźnikiem zwrotu kapitału, polegając na rezultatach analizy przeprowadzonej przez Instytut McKinsey`a w Waszyngtonie dotyczącej gospodarki USA, Japonii i Niemiec.
International comparisons a significant source of information about the state of the world economy by regions and countries. The globalization of the world economy has caused that such comparisons are quickly gaining in value. However, it appears that the evaluation of the results of international comparative analyses may be complicated due to the inadequacy of measures applied in them so far considered to be reliable. Labour efficiency may serve as an example here. In the article the author presents the results of replacing this classical measure with another, namely the rate of return on capital, relying on the results of the analysis carried out by McKinsey Institute in Washington, concerning the economies of the USA, Germany and Japan. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- A Working Hypothesis, "The Economist", 11 maja 1996.
- Capital Productivity: Why the US and Why it Matters, R. Agrawal, S. Findley, S. Greene, K. Huang, A. Jeddy, W. Lewis, M. Petry, The McKinsey Quarterly, 1996, nr 3.
- problems in the Measurement and Performance of Service-Sector Productivity in the United States, NBER, marzec 1996, nr 5519.
- The Wealth of the Nation, "The Wall Street Journal" ,7 czerwca 1996.
- Walter N., What Productivity GAAP? "The New York Times", 14 sierpnia 1996.
- Zachary G.P., Savings U.S, Worries May Be Overdone, "The Wall Street Journal", 7 czerwca 1996.
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