Warianty tytułu
New Occurrences in the Labour Market in Poland in the Years 1990-1997
Języki publikacji
Autorzy przeprowadzili analizę dotyczącą sytuacji na rynku pracy w Polsce w latach 1990-1997. Zwracają uwagę na wzrost zjawiska ukrytego bezrobocia, zwłaszcza wśród ludności wiejskiej i wśród młodzieży, którego cechą jest silne przestrzenne zróżnicowanie. W zakończeniu autorzy podkreślają, że rząd powinien dążyć do zwiększania nakładów finansowych na aktywne formy walki z bezrobociem.
The aim of the article is a presentation of new occurrences in the labour market in Poland in the 90s. They have been brought about by transformations of Poland's social and economic system taking place in that period. The process in question has not been completed as yet as evidenced by the necessity, that is still present, of adjusting the Polish economy to the EU requirements, which has a great impact on the condition of the national labour market. Thus, there arises a problem of securing most favourable conditions of Poland's accession in the course of negotiations with the EU authorities. The concession that according to the author is of great importance is full liberalization of the movement of labour force, which would make it possible for Poland to alleviate the negative consequences of the processes of integration in the labour market, which results mainly from the negative foreign trade balance with the EU member-countries. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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