Warianty tytułu
The Influence of Cultural Factors on Product Planning in International Marketing
Języki publikacji
Kultura jest nieodłącznym składnikiem otoczenia ogólnego każdego przedsiębiorstwa. W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ jaki wywiera kultura na projektowanie produktu w marketingu międzynarodowym. Znajomość lokalnych obyczajów jest warunkiem koniecznym powodzenia rynkowego towarów.
Enterprises that enter international markets begin to operate in a completely new environment. One area in which there exist many unknowns is the national culture of countries whose markets international concerns are attempting to capture. Marketing tools have to be adjusted to the principles and customs of a given country, but even the best pricing and promotional policy will not bear fruit if the product concerned fails to win the trust and recognition of foreign consumers. Culture influences the acceptance of a product by consumers in many ways. Of key importance in this respect are religion, consumer habits, legal regulations, language, and the population's general level of education. Product planning is also influenced by the significance of various symbols and colours in a given society, its aesthetic tastes and attitudes towards change and time. Only occasionally is it possible to create a product that is accepted by people all over the world. In most cases, marketers must decide what strategy to use (product transfer, adaptation or innovation) to enable their firm to succeed on foreign markets. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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