Warianty tytułu
Economic Profit in the Light of a Firm's Multifarious Goals
Języki publikacji
Zysk jest przeważnie uznawany za główny motyw działania przedsiębiorstwa. Ponieważ pojęcie zysku nie jest jednoznaczne, autor proponuje wprowadzenie pojęcia zysku ekonomicznego, jako miernika działalności firmy. Zanalizowane zostały główne czynniki determinujące wartość zysku ekonomicznego. Podkreślono fakt istnienia innych poza zyskiem, alternatywnych celów działania przedsiębiorstwa.
The profit motive is often seen as the fundamental motor of economic activity in market economies. Yet this claim has also led to much debate and controversy. Differing standpoints as to what profit really is have precipitated debate on the methods of determining the value of profit in a given enterprise. In this article, the author presents a procedure for calculating the value of profit on the basis of, among others, the firm's annual financial report. The author characterises situations in which the possibility of generating profit emerges. Issues connected with the sources of profit, its role in the economy, and ways to maximise it, still need to be addressed further. The article presents the arguments for and against the claim that profit maximisation is the primary aim of enterprises. As it turns out, the process of determining a firm's goals and the process of decision-making involve a high degree of bargaining and compromise between the various centres of power within the enterprise. Their result can greatly differ from firm to firm. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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