Warianty tytułu
Marketing Surveys as Source of Information Needed for Enterprises Management
Języki publikacji
W artykule scharakteryzowano badania marketingowe w odniesieniu do roli jaką pełnią w procesie gromadzenia informacji potrzebnych w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem. Zwrócono uwagę na miejsce badań marketingowych w przedsiębiorstwie oraz na ich znaczenie w procesie podejmowania ważnych decyzji.
The article concerns the role of marketing surveys in the process of acquiring information essential for enterprises management. Attention is focused on the place of marketing surveys in the structure of a broadly understood information system in an enterprise and their significance in the process of making decisions of key importance for an enterprise. Three basic decision-taking levels are distinguished and the information needs for them are characterized. Next, the scope of problems dealt with in marketing surveys is identified, adequately to the decisions made by top managers. Attention is drawn to the differences between marketing and market surveys. In the article the author discusses the problem of the effectiveness of marketing surveys in the context of the effectiveness of enterprises' entire information system. While pointing out the benefits resulting from conducting surveys attempt is made at an identification of the main reasons why managers in most Polish enterprises do not take advantage of information supplied by marketing surveys. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Stoner J.A.F., Wankel C., Kierowanie, PWE, Warszawa 1996.
- Strategor, Zarządzanie firmą, PWE, Warszawa 1995.
- Żurawik B., Żurawik W., Zarządzanie marketingiem w przedsiębiorstwie, PWE, Warszawa 1996.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA