Warianty tytułu
Consumer Preferences as Regards the Consumption of Non-alcoholic Drinks
Języki publikacji
Autorka omawia problem preferencji konsultantów w zakresie spożycia napojów bezalkoholowych. Na podstawie badań ankietowych (400 respondentów) przeprowadzonych na terenie województwa małopolskiego w okresie od 20 sierpnia do 30 września 1997 r. stwierdzono, że widoczne są tendencje wzrostu spożywania zdrowych napojów (wody mineralne, soki, napoje owocowe i warzywne).
In the article the author discusses the results of the survey concerning consumers' preferences with respect to the consumption of non-alcoholic drinks, namely mineral water, natural fruit and vegetable juices as well as non-alcoholic carbonated sweetened beverages. The main objective of the research has been the determination of the popularity of the selected types of non-alcoholic drinks, preference structure with respect to brands and flavours, factors determining the choice of a given brand, place where the product is purchased. The main research data consisted of the sample of 400 adults, inhabitants of South Poland. The results of the analysis allow for some interesting conclusions. Generally, one can say that the popularity of non-alcoholic drinks is on the increase. A trend can be observed of consuming healthy drinks, namely mineral water and natural fruit and vegetable juices. While selecting brands consumers taking part in the survey first of all think about the product's quality - its nutritional value and to what extent it is natural (the absence of preservatives and artificial colouring). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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