Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Management Stimulating Creative Problem Solving
Języki publikacji
W artykule skoncentrowano się na technikach motywowania oraz treningu twórczym rozwiązywania problemów w zarządzaniu. Zarządzanie stymulujące twórcze rozwiązywanie problemów obejmuje takie kategorie, jak: zaufanie do pracowników, słowność, umożliwianie rozwoju, delegowanie uprawnień, zarządzanie demokratyczne, sprawiedliwe traktowanie ludzi, wytwarzanie pozytywnego klimatu, wymaganie od siebie i od innych, adekwatne nagradzanie. Artykuł zawiera opis treningu twórczego myślenia, przeprowadzonego w 2000 roku na grupie 50 menedżerów. Trening ten obrazuje zmiany w sposobie rozwiązywania problemów.
A manager is supposed to meet a number of requirements. Among the most important requirements there are: demonstrating technical, social and conceptual skills as well as management expertise. The crucial effects of thinking and acting in management stimulating creative problem-solving are those characterised by innovation and fresh approach, which will bring about better results. The problems of creativity of thinking are particularly referred to the possibilities of these processes' training. Everything that can facilitate the changes in the way of thinking and acting is made use of during creative thinking training sessions. A method, by use of which the changes in the way of thinking were verified, is the creative thinking training, which was conducted for a group of 50 managers. The research results have demonstrated that the creative thinking training performed for a group of managers influenced to the largest extent deductive reasoning, associating and abstracting. The fewest differences were noted in the scale differentiating inductive reasoning. The research confirmed the possibility of "creative thinking training", and introducing changes and improvements. If one combines the problems of creative thinking and the conclusions from the research on motivation it turns out that motivation directly affects the manager's creativity level. This research has shown, trough applying integration and motivation techniques in the first part, that the solving effectiveness increases when the situation of problem solving is placed within positive climate. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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