Warianty tytułu
Restructuring of Polish Agriculture as Preliminary Stage in the Process of Becoming a Member of European Union
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono najważniejsze problemy związane z procesem reformy struktury agrarnej i produkcji polskiego rolnictwa na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej. Proces ten jest przedstawiony w kontekście wejścia do Unii Europejskiej z dostosowaniem wymogów polskiego rolnictwa do Wspólnego Rynku. Zwrócono uwagę na czynniki przyspieszające bądź hamujące ten proces.
In the present article the authors discuss selected problems pertaining to the restructuring of the Polish agriculture in the context of Poland's prospective membership of the European Union and participation in Common Agricultural Policy. In particular, attention was focused on the prospects and threats to the Polish agriculture connected with the prospective joining of the common market concentrating not only on economic performance (investment-return, cost-profit relations) as well as problems pertaining to quality as well as ecology and protection of environment. Among numerous aspects of the restructuring of the Polish agriculture the authors selected biological factors, factors related to state's policy and structural ones. As regards structural factors the authors discussed in more detail problems pertaining to the transforming of the land and ownership structure of the Polish agriculture and, also, the technological and technical transformation and its impact on the ecosystem. Against this background the authors presented and illustrated with statistical data trends in the market as regards the consumption of food as they influence the quantity, quality and structure of agricultural production. In the article the authors also paid attention to the fact that restructuring processes should be supported by the state's policy. A major instrument here is the policy of the sector's financing. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Adamowicz M., Strategie i polityka mleczarska w krajach Wspólnoty Europejskiej, IERiGŻ, Warszawa 1994.
- Iwan B., Interwencjonizm na rynku mleczarskim w wybranych krajach, IERiGŻ, Warszawa 1993.
- Porter F., Strategia konkurencji, PWE, Warszawa 1992.
- Woś A., Przedsiębiorstwo sfery agrobiznesu [w:] Przedsiębiorstwo w agrobiznesie, materiały konferencyjne, Warszawa, czerwiec 1995.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA