Warianty tytułu
Evolution of the System of Farming Tax in Poland in the Years 1944-1950
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem opracowania jest system podatku rolnego kształtujący się w Polsce w latach 1944-1950. Autor podkreśla, że istnieje potrzeba zmian aktualnego ustawodawstwa podatkowego i dostosowania go do rozwiązań obowiązujących w krajach Unii Europejskiej.
At present an animated discussion is taking place in Poland about the possibility of a quick affiliation to the European Union. In such a context one of the main issues is the question of efficiency of Polish agriculture, institutional and organizational solutions adopted in it - among them problems pertaining to financial instruments such as farming taxes. The taxing regulations of agriculture show a certain degree of stability. The article describes the evolution of the taxing system of agriculture after World War II in the years 1944-1950. The author presented the main forms of land tax introduced by the new Polish authorities since 1944 up to the 50s beginning with compulsory supplies of farm produce to the state, through the introduction of a tax based on income in terms of quintals of rye, and, finally, estimating the income on land classification. Attention was paid to the evolution of the taxing policy towards private farming and drafting the taxing legislation in such a way as to meet the main economic and political objectives set by the government in view of a difficult economic and political situation of postwar Poland. However, attention was mainly focused on the presentation of the changing taxing legislation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Rejs J., Stolzenwaldt L., Podatek gruntowy. Zbiór przepisów prawnych, Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza "Spólnota Pracy", Warszawa 1937.
- Siekierski J., Procesy transformacji systemowej w rolnictwie i gospodarce żywnościowej w Polsce, ZPH Styrex s.c., Kraków 1996.
- Winiewska R., Obciążenia podatkowe gospodarstw chłopskich w Polsce w latach 1944-1945, Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze, Warszawa 1961.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA