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2001 | nr 580 | 125--141
Tytuł artykułu

Państwo i gospodarka w dokumentach programowych Międzynarodówki Liberalnej

Warianty tytułu
The State and the Economy in the Programme Documents of the Liberal International
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu autor próbuje opisać kluczowe aspekty doktryny Międzynarodówki Liberalnej. Skupia się głównie na opisie panującego ładu politycznego zgodnie z koncepcją liberalną oraz na przedyskutowaniu zasad regulujących działalność gospodarczą wewnątrz organizacji nowoczesnego, liberalnego stanu.
In this article, the author attempts to describe the key aspects of the doctrine of the Liberal International. He concentrates primarily on describing the political order of the state according to its liberal conception and on discussing the rules regulating economic activity within the framework of the modern liberal state. Liberals advocate a model of government limited by law and based on a constitutional system. According to the political doctrine of the Liberal International, the limitation of state authority via constitutional and procedural mechanisms, as well as arrangements based on custom, is not designed to marginalize the state. Indeed, liberals stress that the state should perform a number of important functions. However, state intervention is acceptable only if it concurs with the principle that the sole motive for a government's actions is the protection of freedom and respect for the rights of both the individual and society. According to the doctrine of the Liberal International, the free market is a process of spontaneous interaction determined by the law of supply and demand. It rests on the twin pillars of economic freedom and private property. Characteristic of the economic doctrine of the Liberal International is the conviction that political freedom cannot exist when the state has full control over the economy. Liberals view the liberalization of trade and business as extremely important - as a sine qua non of the free market economy, without which it cannot function. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Declaration of Brussels 1946 [w:] A Sense of Liberty, "The Basic Documents of International Liberalism", A Publication of the Liberal International, London 1992.
  • Liberal Appeal 1981 [w:] A Sense of Liberty, "The Basic Documents of International Liberalism", A Publication of the Liberal International, London 1992.
  • Liberal Declaration of Oxford 1967 [w:] A Sense of Liberty, "The Basic Documents of International Liberalism", A Publication of the Liberal International, London 1992.
  • Liberal Manifesto for 21st Century, "The Basic Documents of International Liberalism", A Publication of the Liberal International, London 1998.
  • Liberal Manifesto of Oxford 1947 [w:] A Sense of Liberty, "The Basic Documents of International Liberalism", A Publication of the Liberal International, London 1992.
  • Resolution: Free Trade, Congress of the Liberal International, Moguncja 1992,
  • Resolution: From the Welfare State to a truly Human Society, Congress of the Liberal International, Hague 1982,
  • Resolution: Latin America, Congress of the Liberal International, Hague 1982,
  • Resolution: Social Policy, Congress of the Liberal International, Noordwijk 1996,
  • Sobolewski M., Zasady współczesnej demokracji burżuazyjnej, UJ, Kraków 1983.
Typ dokumentu
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