Warianty tytułu
Changes in the System of Financing Housing Construction in Poland
Języki publikacji
Autor analizuje poszczególne problemy związane z finansowaniem budownictwa mieszkaniowego. System ten obejmuje zasady i rozwiązania organizacyjne, które bezpośrednio wpływają na wydatkowanie funduszów finansowych na budownictwo mieszkaniowe.
In this article the author discusses selected problems concerning changes in the Polish system of financing residential housing construction. In the first part of this article, he describes residential construction against the background the housing economy. The author discusses the extent to which the housing needs of the population are being satisfied and looks at the methods employed to satisfy those needs. In the next part of the article, he describes the methods used to finance housing construction developed under the centrally planned economy. Solutions developed under the previous economic system have an impact on new solutions, both those recently introduced and those to be introduced in the future. The new system for financing housing construction must be adjusted to the new conditions of economic management. It must also take into account Polish conditions. The final part of the article looks at the institutions of the re-modelled system for financing housing construction. The various new institutions of the system are being introduced gradually. Only after some time will they be able to yield any results in the form of satisfying housing needs more effectively. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Przeciszewski T., Gospodarka mieszkaniowa w gospodarce narodowej, Warszawa 1969.
Typ dokumentu
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