Warianty tytułu
Computer-Aided Analysis of Firm's Productivity
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano metody analizy produktywności będącej ważnym elementem przy podejmowaniu wszelkich decyzji menedżerskich. Podjęto próbę pokazania możliwości, jakie przybliża współczesna technika komputerowa przy wprowadzaniu strategii poprawy produktywności.
In the paper the author presents the possibilities of using the modern computer technique and software engineering for determining and analysing the efficiency of productive factors. The aim of the paper is to present the productivity as an essential element when making all kinds of manager decisions. The analysis of productivity is a necessity; it should be carried out before making any decision, an operational one or connected with the realization of the business strategy. The possibility of using the computer science for the analysis of productivity is of great help in making those decisions and affects an increase in the effectiveness of business management. In the paper a model of the information system aiding in the analysis of firm's productivity is presented. Attention is focused on such elements as the structure of the information system, the phases of designing and implementing the computer solution, and the operating phase. Further on the technical assumptions of the computer productivity analysis system are presented and the methodology of determining the effectiveness of the computer solution is given. (original abstract)
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Typ dokumentu
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