nr 951 Zarządzanie strategiczne w teorii i praktyce
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Artykuł poświęcono identyfikacji specyficznych elementów strategii spółek internetowych. Dokonano porównania teoretycznych koncepcji budowania strategii dla tego typu spółek z czterema strategiami spółek notowanych na giełdzie NASDAQ. Analizie poddano następujące spółki: eBay, Amazon, Qwest Communications i Lucent Technologies. W artykule zawarto także krótką charakterystykę kondycji finansowo-ekonomicznej sektora internetowego w Polsce oraz klasyfikacje spółek internetowych.
The main goal of the paper is identification of specific elements of internet companies strategy. At the beginning of the paper the analysis of internet sector in Poland is presented. The conclusion is that one of reason for the unsatisfactory development of the domestic sector is deficit of efficient and powerful strategies by Polish internet companies. In relation with this hypothesis the author suggests concepts on how to classify internet companies in the economy. Classification of professors from Austin University, proposal by B. Mahadevan and classification apply in Fortune list "e - 50" are discussed. The last part of the paper includes some analysis of strategic mission, strategic factors and competition advantage according the reports and letters to shareholders form executives of such companies as: eBay, Qwest Communications, Lucent Technologies and Amazon. Basic finding of the paper: internet companies have different strategies of success; only strategies of e-commerce companies are very close to modern approach to internet strategies suggested in theoretical works. Building society, reliability and safety, partnerships are the specific elements of the strategy of internet companies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Measuring Internet Economy. Center for Research in Electronic Commerce. University of Texas at Austin,, 1999 October.
- Polish Internet Sector Report, February 2002, IntelliNews, Euromoney Ine 2002.
- Randall D.: Consumer Strategies for the internet: Four Scenarios. "Long Range Planning" 1997, nr 2.
- Yoffe D.B., Cusumano M.A.: Judo strategy. The competitive dynamics of internet time. "Harvard Business Review" January - February 1999.
- Zott Ch., Amit R., Donlevy J.: Strategies or value creation in e - companies. Best practice in Europe. "European Management Journal" 2000 nr 5.
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