Warianty tytułu
The Use of Computer Software to Aid Strategic Management within Firms
Języki publikacji
Autor podjął próbę przedstawienia możliwości wykorzystania najnowszych narzędzi informatycznych w procesie zarządzania strategicznego firmą. Dużo miejsca poświęcił prezentacji aplikacji komputerowych wspomagających diagnozę i analizę menedżerską. W zakończeniu, w formułowaniu strategii informacyjnej przedsiębiorstwa zaprezentowane zostały różne podejścia przy określaniu tej strategii: podejście zasobowe, funkcjonalne i procesowe.
This article is an attempt to present the possibilities for using modern computer tools in the process of strategic management in firms. in particular, the author concentrates on ways to improve the supply and presentation of information that helps managers to carry out analyses used in strategic planning. The main part of the article is devoted to a presentation of computer applications that aid managers in carrying out analyses. The emphasis is laid on those aspects of the software that allow economic data to be presented in the form of various diagrams. The use of computer graphics significantly facilitates the understanding of information and allows analyses to be made quickly and precisely. The article concludes with a section on the design of information strategies within firms. The author outlines various approaches to designing such strategies: resource-based, functional and process-based. He emphasises the need for firms to follow the development trends in corporate software applications in order to incorporate these trends in their general long-term development plans. It is important to understand that a firm's information strategy must harmonise with its development strategy, and that the formulation of such a strategy must be subordinated to the development strategies of firms in general. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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