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2001 | nr 5 | 113--128
Tytuł artykułu

Teoretyczne podstawy systemu komunikacji marketingowej

Warianty tytułu
Theoretical Grounds of the Marketing Communication System
Języki publikacji
Artykuł stanowi próbę omówienia dorobku "teorii komunikacji" z perspektywy marketingu, jego założeń teoretycznych i praktyki uprawiania.
This article is aimed at identifying the theoretical grounds of the marketing communication system. The significance of this system in the accomplishment of market goals, set by an enterprise, arises from that the nature of each entity is expressed exactly in the process of transmission and communication with the environment. The base for the considerations is the thesis that communication is a complex and multifarious category, and its analysis entails the acceptance of various, interdisciplinary theoretical assumptions. Eventually, this thesis boils down to a premise of selective approach, which, in turn, is an attempt to implement "the theory of communication", established and based upon sociology, in the perspective of marketing, this theoretical assumptions and practical use. The article is chiefly focused upon the three basic problems: essence and elements of the process of marketing communication, the features of this process and its theoretical models. Here is also shown the complexity and multidimensional character of the process of marketing communication.
Opis fizyczny
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