nr 951 Zarządzanie strategiczne w teorii i praktyce
Tytuł artykułu
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Języki publikacji
Artykuł ma na celu sformułowanie wniosków odnośnie pożądanych zmian w sposobie funkcjonowania polskich przedsiębiorstw branży usług transportowo-spedycyjno-logistycznych (TSL) oraz wskazanie głównych obszarów konkurowania na jakie należy kłaść szczególny nacisk, aby sprawnie funkcjonować na rynku przyszłości. Autorka charakteryzuje rynek usług transportowych, spedycyjnych i logistycznych w Polsce oraz prezentuje strategie konkurencji na rynku TSL i kluczowe czynniki sukcesu.
The analyzed sector of transportation, forwarding and logistics services belongs to one of the most dynamically developing in Poland nowadays. The process of commercialization and privatization has already imposed some crucial market-oriented adjustments in this very branch. However, due to the challenges with regard to the tough foreign competition and the accession of Poland into the European Common Market, there is a necessity to a constant improvement of the operations and flexibility of Polish companies. That is why, the Polish representatives of the service providers, taken under the consideration in this article, should object the achievement of the competitive advantage and create the conditions for further strategic development. These assumptions may be fulfilled by three strategies. One basing on the economy of scale and downsizing the costs, the second, differentiation and lastly, by concentrating on the nische segments. Despite the importance of the above solutions the additional attention must be paid to the non-price-related strategies. It seems essential to realize what competencies are to be of value in the nearest future on the market. Among others, to mention are: partnership logistics, modern IT solutions, value-added services and long-term cooperation within the supply chain. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA