Warianty tytułu
Marketing in Developers' Activities in Housing Sector
Języki publikacji
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono specyfikę rynku nieruchomości oraz usług developerskich na rynku mieszkaniowym. Podjęto próbę ustalenia, czy działalność developerska to dostarczanie produktu, czy też świadczenie usługi. W części drugiej rozważania skoncentrowano nad wzorcowym, szerokim podejściem marketingowym stosowanym przez developerów zachodnich oraz nad zmianami w podejściu do tak rozumianego marketingu przez developerów z kapitałem rodzimym.
The paper elaborates on broadly understood marketing concerning developers' activities in the field of housing sector. It presents enormous changes that took place on the building market since the beginning of the system transformation. In the early 90s we experienced the market almost typical to the one of the previous system, al-mighty building societies and "crawling on all fours" developers. Nevertheless it was the supplier's market. In course of time the strategies of building societies and developers started to take into account the future apartment's owner, a client. This kind of strategy was in fact limited to advertising and forcing ready products upon a client. Today we observe a clear change of developers' marketing strategies. First, they try to identify the clients' needs and only afterwards they take up further investment activities like buying a properly located building site, preparing houses' or housing estates' original projects, realisation of investment according to individual clients' needs and finally ensuring most advantageous payment scheme. In the next part of the paper the author tries to present successful marketing strategies that are used by developers in the USA. They express the tendencies and possible developments of marketing strategies in Polish housing sector. (original abstract)
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