Warianty tytułu
Protection of Consumers in Poland in View of the Integration into the European Union
Języki publikacji
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia dystansu jaki dzieli realizowaną w Polsce politykę ochrony interesów konsumenta od wysoko rozwiniętych w tym zakresie przedsięwzięć w państwach Unii Europejskiej.
At the time of the Polish People's and at the beginning of system transformation the protection of consumers in Poland was not among the main interests of the legislative and executive authorities. After 1991, when Poland had signed the agreement to associate with the European Communities, the preparation for the EU membership got intensified, and in the EU the problems pertaining to consumers are considered the strategic aims. An important condition for the integration into the EU is the necessity to form legal, institutional, organizational and financial bases enabling the state to pursue the policy on consumer protection. This policy should be the basic instrument reinforcing the consumer's position in the market. The paper is an attempt to determine the gap between the realized in Poland policy on consumer protection and the relevant advanced acitivities of the EU. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA