Warianty tytułu
Possible Negative Consequences of the International Tourist Traffic Development
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu sprecyzowano potencjalne negatywne konsekwencje (ekonomiczne i polityczne) rozwoju ruchu turystycznego. Artykuł stanowi próbę zestawienia ewentualnych, możliwych do wystąpienia ujemnych skutków turystyki międzynarodowej.
Touring, as a multidimensional, dynamic and mass phenomenon, is reflected in various - economic, social, cultural, psychological, spatial and the like - spheres of life. Its development produces definite effects for these numerous domains. The consequences of the tourist traffic expansion, both the positive and the negative ones, should be carefully assessed as ignorance in this case can lead to the occurrence of many unfavourable phenomena in the economy, society, and in nature, resulting mainly from improper assumptions and objectives of the tourist policy of individual countries, regions or localities. The aim of the paper is to specify the negative consequences of the tourist traffic development. The benefits derived from the expansion of the international tourist exchange will be omitted, on the one hand because of more extensive literature on that subject, and on the other - because of the size of the present paper. They negative consequences of touring have been discussed with regard to: economy, man (as an individual and as a group), culture (products of man) and nature (inanimate nature, the vegetable and animal kingdoms). The character of these consequences is, of course, different, they intermingle and it is difficult to separate them. Besides, other phenomena of the contemporary world (mainly industrialization, urbanization, development of transportation and means of mass communication) also affect life and it is not easy to state which consequences should by ascribed to touring and which should not. Thus, the presented dysfunction system can be controversial. However, it is an attempt to specify the negative effects of touring and their presence in the economy, social and cultural environment, and in nature. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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