Warianty tytułu
An Attempted Assessment of the Performance of the Goals and Tasks of the national Investment Fund Programme
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu omówiono Program NFI, jego istotę i cele oraz ocenę dotychczasowej działalności. Przedstawiono również zagrożenia związane z wdrożeniem końcowej fazy programu.
In this article, the author attempts to determine whether the main objectives set for the National Investment Funds have been achieved. The principal goal of the 1993 Act on National Investment Funds and their privatisation was to increase the equity value of these companies. The Act also set down specific tasks for the mass privatisation programme. Over six years of work in this area have resulted in the structural transformation and restructuring, and sometimes liquidation, of approximately 10 procent of companies in Polish industry. The effects of these processes differ greatly from the goals set by the architects of the National Investment Funds programme. The final phase began in 1999. For this reason, final conclusions can already be drawn regarding the performance of the tasks and the mission of the National Investment Funds as a way of privatising public companies in Poland. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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