Warianty tytułu
A Strategic Analysis of the State Forests National Forest Holding (Państwowe Gospodarstwo Laśne Lasy Państwowe)
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu podjęto dyskusję związaną z rezultatami badań nad sytuacją na rynku Państwowych Gospodarstw Leśnych Lasów Państwowych. Opisano te działania, które mogą okazać się użyteczne w tworzeniu instrumentów marketingowych w najbliższych kilku latach.
The aim of this article is to discuss the research defining the market situation of the State Forests National Forest Holding and identify those activities which could prove useful in the creation of marketing instruments over the next five years. The State Forests National Forest Holding boasts a major competitive advantage over its rivals. Its competitiveness in relation to foreign producers is primarily a result of restrictive fito-sanitary norms, while its competitiveness in relation to domestic producers should be increased by augmenting the stock in its possession. Improvements in marketing management may prove the most important lever in the future for increasing competitive advantage. The State Forests National Forest Holding should thus take maximum advantage of its leading position. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA