Warianty tytułu
A New Approach to Researching Synergy Effects in the Strategic Reflection Method
Języki publikacji
Autor przedstawił propozycję metodyczną, opartą na skali pomiaru, umożliwiającej skuteczniejsze poszukiwanie rozwiązań trzeciego etapu procedur SWOT. Jest to etap konfrontowania słabych i silnych stron przedsiębiorstwa z szansami i zagrożeniami jego otoczenia.
The objective of this article is to propose a more effective method, based on an ordered scale of measurement, for finding solutions in the third stage of SWOT analysis (when the strong and weak sides of an enterprise are linked to the opportunities and dangers of its environment). This method is more effective because it transforms relevant information using quantitative methods. Point-based assessments allow for a much broader and more in-depth analysis. The author formulates an algorithm for a new procedure for studying synergy effects. he also offers practical advice based on his own experiences with using the suggested procedure. The analysis concludes with an example of the procedure applied in practice. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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