Warianty tytułu
Premises of the Formulation of the Enterprises' Competition Strategy
Języki publikacji
W artykule zaprezentowano czynniki decydujące o kształtowaniu strategii współzawodnictwa między przedsiębiorstwami agrobiznesu. Założono, że przewagę konkurencyjną można osiągnąć przez mocną pozycję w zakresie kosztów oraz przez koncentrację na wybranym segmencie rynku.
The paper presents the determinants of the formulation of the strategy of agribusiness enterprises' competition, considered from three aspects: - model solutions in that respect, - solutions resulting from the specificity and structure of the agribusiness sector, - solutions resulting from the potential of a given enterprise. The main thesis presented in the paper is that in the competition strategy it is witally important to search for and strengthen competitive advantages resulting from the leading cost position, from the differentiation, or from the concentration. From the analysis of the problems raised and the specificity of the agribusiness sector one can conclude that the relatively strongest market forces are the attributes of processing enterprises, or trade, and not farmers, and the degree to which agricultural and food products are processed is the main determinant of the choice of the competition strategy. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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