Warianty tytułu
The Use of Regression Analysis to Assess the Quality of Market Products on the Example of Tea Bags
Języki publikacji
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę regresji wielokrotnej w celu oceny jakości produktów rynkowych. Omówiono też wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w roku akademickim 1998/1999 wśród studentów studiów zaocznych i wieczorowych AE.
In this paper the author shows how multiple regression analysis can be used to evaluate the quality of market products on the example of three different brands of tea bags. The author shows that a linear relationship exists between the features of analysed products and their overall evaluation. The multiple regression analysis carried out with the use of primary and secondary features produced similar results in terms of the quality of fit. Ultimately, however, the models are represented by slightly different variables. The way information is obtained about a dependent variable has a significant influence on how well the regression model fits the experimental data. This concerns not only the type of scale used, but also other factors, the identification of which requires further empirical research. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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