Warianty tytułu
Influence of Systemic Transformations on the Model of Working Mothers' Families
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu przedstawiono wpływ przeobrażeń społeczno-ekonomicznych na kształtowanie postaw i zachowań prokreacyjnych matek pracujących i nie pracujących zawodowo. Próby określenia tendencji zmian w postawach i zachowaniach prokreacyjnych dokonano na podstawie wyników badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w 1999 na populacji 3092 rodzin biologicznie pełnych.
The article deals with the influence of systemic transformations on the basic elements of the model of a family. The author tried to determine the tendency of changes in procreation attitudes and behaviours on the basis of the results of the national survey which in the year 1999 covered 3092 families of working and non-working mothers. The research proves that specific conditions of socio-economic development contribute to the fact that more and more common become the attitudes which less and less favour procreation and as a result the preferred ideal is a small family. A specific feature of the current changes is a decline in the birth rate, shortening of protogenetic intervals and time intervals between the first and the second child birth. The above-mentioned processes cover both the families of working and non-working mothers, however the dynamics of those changes is not the same. (original abstract)
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