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The Directions of Development of Banking Service Distribution on the Threshold of the 21st century
Języki publikacji
W pracy autorka podjęła próbę ukazania kierunków rozwoju dystrybucji usług bankowych, analizowanych dla różnych uwarunkowań, w jakich znalazły się banki na początku XXI wieku. Autorka skupiła się na bankach detalicznych, ponieważ w ich przypadku wzmożenie dystrybucji jest głównym czynnikiem sukcesu, prowadzącym do zwiększenia konkurencyjności.
The aim of the paper is to show the directions of development banking service distribution, taking into consideration various conditions with Polish banks are faced on the threshold of the 21st century. The cheif base of drawing the conclusions was the division of banking products into simple, mass products, characterized by high substitution of technology for human labour, and complex, specialized, individualized products, where substitution of a machine for human labour is impossible. The development of the products of the first type will be effectuated by the intensification of their distribution, using machines and modern data communication technologies (telephone, cash dispenser, computer, Internet), while in the case of the products of the second type, the most important factors determining their successful marketing are: the quality (professionalism) of the staff as well as diversification and high specialization of services. Considering the currently available statistical and analytical data on the present state and development trend of banking service distribution, models for various conditions, with which Polish banks are faced, have been created. On that basis conclusions as regards the directions of development of banking service distribution on the threshold of the 21 century have been drawn. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Dolniak P., Magdonaldyzacja obsługi, "Bank" - dodatek "Prawo i Gospodarka" 1999, nr 3.
- Harasim J., Nowe w usługach bankowych, "Marketing w Praktyce" 1997, nr 2 i "Bank i Kredyt" 1997, nr 12.
Typ dokumentu
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