Warianty tytułu
Off-Balance Sheet Financing and the Quality of Information in Financial Statements
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu wyjaśniono co jest zawarte w pozabilansowym finansowaniu, oraz zaprezentowano motywy tłumaczące częstotliwość używania tych mechanizmów. Zilustrowano za pomocą przykładów znaczenie kontraktów leasingowych dla bilansu finansowego danego przedsiębiorstwa. Podkreślono znaczenie stosowania pozabilansowego finansowania w kontekście polskich uregulowań prawnych dotyczących rachunkowości.
This article explains what is involved in off-balance sheet financing, and presents the motives which explain the frequent use of this mechanism. Next, it describes how, in practice, companies obtain off-balance sheet financing. The article presents, inter alia, the mechanism for using sale with a repurchase clause, as well as the problems associated with qualifying leasing contracts and the use of "quasi-dependent" entities. The article illustrates, by way of example, the importance to a firm's balance sheet whether a leasing contract is qualified as operational or financial, and presents schemes that demonstrate how additional capital many be obtained through other entities without the consolidation of financial statements. The article addresses the potential for using off-balance sheet financing in the context of Polish accounting regulations. (short original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Fitzgerald R., A Handbook of Practical Business Finance, Kogan Page, London 1992.
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- Imhoff E., Lipe R., Wright D., Operating Leases: Income Effects of Constructive Capitalization, "Accounting Horizons", June 1997.
- Imhoff E., Thomas J.K., Operating Leases: Impact of Constructive Capitalization, "Accounting Horizons", March 1991.
- Newman P., Murray M., Eatwell J., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money & Finance, Macmillan Press, London 1992.
- Parker R., Understanding of Financial Company Statements, Penguin Books, London 1994.
- Smith I., Skousen F., Intermediate Accounting, South-Western Publ., Cincinnati 1987.
- Welsh G., Newman D., Zlatkovic C., Intermedia Accounting, Irwin, Homewood, Illinois 1989.
Typ dokumentu
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