Warianty tytułu
Possibilities for the Use of Classification Trees in Tourism Research
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu przedstawiono próbę wykorzystania algorytmu drzew klasyfikacyjnych CART jako instrumentu do badania natężenia ruchu turystycznego. W pracy wykorzystano bazę danych Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu, zawierającą dane o grupach zorganizowanych, jakie w 1997 r. odwiedzały komnaty.
The aim of the research was to examine the tourist market with reference to foreigners visiting Wawel Castle in Kraków. Because of the large number of cases, and because the variables were not parametric, a decision was made to use classification trees, which are among the methods used in data mining. data mining is one of the stages in what is known as the knowledge discovery process in databases. The article therefore contains a brief introduction to this subject. The research used the CART(R) program, which is the best application for this algorithm. The complexity of the research topic and the limited amount of time that could be devoted to it meant that attention was mainly focussed on Italian-speaking tourists. The results obtained may prove useful in the rationalisation of human resources policy and the work of tourist guides. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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