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This chapter aims at presenting the formation of the concept of "environment" as the object of legal protection in Poland. The analysis includes the prevailing respective legal regulations. Art. 86 of the Constitution of Poland ensures citizens the right to use the environment values with the simultaneous obligation to protect the environment. Therefore, the Parliament voted the Act of January 31, 1980 of the environment protection and management. This act falling within the system of administrative law realizes not only natural protection (a static aspects) but even a dynamic aspect. That is why the environmental degradation is understood to be physical phenomena, life complicating conditions or situations affecting the environment e.g. noise, vibrations, radiations, pollution of the atmosphere and wastes. The above-mentioned problems were and are still regulated with respect to the ecological balance preservation. Moreover, introduction of the market economy rules in Poland as well as the Act of 8th March 1990 about Communal Local Self-Government brought new sources of legal interest collisions in the field of environmental protection. These are positive expressions of the own legal interests also in the field of environmental protection. This is of particular importance in the areas of ecologic disaster. (introduction)
Tematem rozważań autora były prawno-administracyjna aspekty ochrony środowiska w Polsce. W pierwszej kolejności autor poddał analizie podstawy prawne ochrony środowiska, a dalej zakres odpowiedzialności prawnej w ochronie środowiska. Dodatkowo omówił kierunki rozwoju przebudowy prawa ochrony środowiska w perspektywie przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W drugiej części przedmiotem analizy prawnej była część szczegółowa prawa ochrony środowiska w Polsce.
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