Warianty tytułu
Urbanization Processes in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Issues and Research Concepts
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu zasygnalizowano problemy związane z kompleksową analizą procesu urbanizacyjnego w Europie, w okresie industrializacji. Omówiono bardziej znane koncepcje rozwoju miast: teorię "Central Place System" i Network System".
This article signals the problems in analysing complex urbanization processes in Europe in the age of industrialization. In studies devoted to this issue, a few basic aspects of urbanization, may be discerned, which can be divided into four groups: statistical-demographic, economic-infrastructural, physiognomic-construction, and socio-cultural relations. One of the best known concepts of city development is the central place theory. A less well-known concept to explain the phenomenon of European urbanization is the "Network System" theory. According to some researchers, the socio-environmental criterion plays a significant role in research on urbanization processes. A key issue is to devise a composite indicator of urbanization that would enable the comparison of urbanization processes over time and space. (short original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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