Warianty tytułu
United States of America - cradle of the New Economy
Języki publikacji
Autor zastanawia się nad tym jakie czynniki sprawiły, że ogół zjawisk i praw zwanych Nową Gospodarką najlepiej widoczny jest na amerykańskim przykładzie.
From the beginning of the 90's to the third quarter of the year the 2000 U.S. economy was constantly growing. Low inflation, decreasing unemployment, growing effectiveness of work, high GNP growth ratio, increasing welfare and most of all the long term nature of this phenomenon amazed many economists. They called it the New Economy. This article tries to answer why the United States of America is considered to be cradle of the New Economy. It also touches on the problem of whether current slowdown may be the reason to question the special nature of observed changes. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- U.S. Department of Commerce: Digital Economy 2000, June 2000.
- Davis B., Wessel D.: Prosperity. New York: Times Books 1998.
- Atkinson R.D., Court R.H.: The New Economy Index: Understanding America's Economic Transformation. Washington, D.C.: Progressive Policy Institute 1998. http://www.neweconomyindex.org.
- U.S. Department of Commerce: The Emerging Digital Economy II, June 1999; http://www.doc.gov./ecommerce/emerging.htm.
- Atkinson R.D., Court R.H.: The State New Economy Index: Benchmarking Economic Transformation in the States. Progressive Policy Institute; June 1999; http://www.neweconomyindex.org.
- U.S. Department of Commerce: The Emerging Digital Economy, April 1998; http://www.doc.gov/ecommerce/emerging.htm.
- University of Texas, Cisco Systems: Measuring the Internet Economy, October 1999; http://www.internetindicators.com.
- Shepard S.B.: The New Economy: What it really means. Business Week 1997; http://www.businessweek.com/1997/46/b3553084.htm
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