Warianty tytułu
An Attempt to Interpret Marketing Strategy in a Marketing-Orientad Context
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu podjęto próbę interpretacji strategii marketingowej, która w opinii autora może stanowić podstawę do odnalezienia jednolitego sposobu rozumienia tego terminu. W pracy omówiono ogólne stanowisko, przedstawiające w sposób analityczny wybrane podejścia pojmowania strategii marketingowej.
This article attempts to interpret the concept of marketing strategy in a marketing-oriented environment. The article's points of departure arise directly from the nature of the marketing-orientation. The strategy is understood as a nexus of rules and principles forming a framework for the operational activities of firms as they build relations with their immediate environments, and with the particular elements that compose them. Understood in this way, strategy is a string of components creating a hierarchically ordered system determined by how important the particular elements of the environment are to the firm. These elements include: creating the market field, customer-oriented strategy, competitor-oriented strategy, intermediary-oriented strategy, and subsidiary entity strategy. (original abstract)
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