Warianty tytułu
Analyzing Changes in the Area of Political Transformation
Języki publikacji
Transformacja polityczna zainicjowana w 1989 r. jest jedną z najbardziej dynamicznych pod względem zakresu i rodzaju zmian wprowadzonych w polskiej gospodarce. W artykule omówiono zakres i cele transformacji systemowej, oraz sekwencje i tempo zmian systemu ekonomicznego.
The political transformation initiated in 1989 is one of the most dynamic when the scope, way and manner of changes introduced into the Polish economy are considered. its process and effects have been influenced by historical factors like centralized and politically controlled economic model as well as by the adoption of the concept of economic management in a pluralized system where centralized planning is being replaced by free market mechanisms. The accomplishment of structural and ownership transformations under prevailing conditions is a difficult and tedious task. This also applies to the analysis of processes as well as the evaluation of results that are the direct consequences of these transformations. Even though twelve years has passed since the initiation of Poland`s economic transformation re-visiting issues of the analysis of changes that already took place is yet current not just for the fact that the process itself has not been completed but for fact of its adaptation, especially in the light of Poland`s with the economies of the European Union (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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