nr 983, t. 1 Agrobiznes 2003 : jakość jako podstawowy instrument konkurencyjności w agrobiznesie
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Product Development Strategy on the Example of Bakery
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zawiera analizę strategii rozwoju produktu w firmie z branży piekarniczej. Autorzy rozpatrują, w jaki sposób firma dostosowuje swoją strukturę organizacyjną do potrzeb rynku i otoczenia. Omawiają działania firmy w zakresie tworzenia i rozwoju produktu, dystrybucji i promocji.
Bakery, the subject of research has existed on the market since 10 years. During this term of time it changed owners and the action strategy. Nowadays it aims continual increase of sale through the care of customer's satisfaction and getting their loyalty. Improvement of bakery's situation started with marketing research, which allowed to define direction of future changes. It was connected to development of assortment structure of product and modification of recipes. At the moment of taking over the firm, assortment length numbered 22, wide 6, and deep also 6. Nowadays organization realized length of assortment 49 products, wide 7 lines, and deep 11 products. Presented research confirmed a hypothesis, that proper strategy in a field of a product development is warranty of success of the firm on the market. Sales of the firm increased, it also gained new receivers. The owners of the company relies neccesarity of a quality of products improvement, as well as adjusting offer to market's necessities. This is the reason why they keep watching customers and rivals behaviour. Informations from the market points, that demands for bakery products high qualified and relative low price is still increasing. It allows to look in the future of analysed bakery in optimistic way, especially in a present situation, when owners are observing market and planning new development strategies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Bagier J.M., Vuillad S. (1993): Strategie zmian w przedsiębiorstwie. Nowoczesna metoda. Poltext, Warszawa.
- Griffin R. (1996): Podstawy zarządzania organizacjami. PWN, Warszawa.
- Kaczmarczyk S. (1991): Badania Marketingowe. PWE, Warszawa.
- Kostera M. (1993): Zarządzanie personelem. PWN, Warszawa.
- Kotler P. (1994): Marketing. PWE, Warszawa.
Typ dokumentu
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