Warianty tytułu
Income Inequality in the Context of Poland`s Accession to the EU
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu omówiono rezultaty badań teoretycznych i empirycznych dotyczących złożonych relacji łączących wzrost gospodarczy z nierównością dochodów. Zwrócono uwagę na wyniki badań dotyczących rozszerzającego się ubóstwa, oraz odnoszących się bezpośrednio do krajów przechodzących przez proces transformacji systemowej.
This paper takes form of a review. The first section outlines the possible reasons why the major documents concerning candidate states` fulfilment of EU entry criteria devote little space to income disparity between different social strata. In the assessments and recommendations contained in these documents it is difficult to find more than an indirect reference to what would seem to be one the most important assues in the transformation process. The paper proceeds to discuss the results of theoretical and empirical research into the complex interrelationships linking economic growth with levels of income inequality. This research was carried out both within the framework of traditional growth theories, as well as using endogenous growth models. Attention then turns to research findings that deal extensively with poverty and that directly relate to countries going through systemic transformation. The paper concludes by presenting the results of empirical analyses that attempt to demonstrate whether, and to what extent, the transformation process has led to higher income disparties in Poland. (original abstract)
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