Warianty tytułu
An Attempt to Use the Analysis of Variance for the Identification of the Type and Variety of Honey
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono analizę właściwości fizykochemicznych i analizę wariancyjną miodów odmianowych.
In recent years, in food sciences, there has been a significant growth of interest in problems connected with the identification of products varieties. This is so because of increasing nutritional awareness of consumers, which influences changes in their preferences and a rise of their requirements. The identification of honey varieties was the subject of studies of many research centres, however, in spite of using various techniques no effective method enabling satisfactory identification of the type and variety of honey had been developed. This was also the objective of the presented study. For this purpose the assessment of physicochemical quality factors of honey varieties was carried out and the possibility of their identification by means of the analysis of variance was tested. As a result of the carried out studies it can be stated that the analysis of variance based on physicochemical quality factors makes it possible to distinguish several subgroups, each of them including several varieties of honey. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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