Warianty tytułu
Polish Agriculture in the Process of Globalization
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono problemy globalizacji w wielu aspektach, poczynając od jej rozwoju w ujęciu historycznym, przez prawidłowości rozwoju rolnictwa, związki globalizacji z bezpieczeństwem żywnościowym po globalną regulację funkcjonowania rolnictwa i agrobiznesu.
Globalization is one of the most important phenomena of our times. It is a total process embracing all aspects of economic, political, social and cultural life. Globalization contributes to economic development and welfare but also generates many problems, negative consequences and threats. It is a phenomenon which has special character and outcomes in agriculture. Specific environmental and social conditions in agriculture and values which constitute agricultural and rural policies, provoke or even force to observe and control globalization process in agriculture. Polish agriculture is poorly prepared for confrontation with the global market. In our case more favourable option than full liberalization is "Globalization through Europeization", i.e. joining both: European model of agriculture and CAP. This option gives opportunities for modernization of Polish agriculture and improvement in its competitiveness. It is also a chance to fullfill some values which are common for Polish agriculture and West European agriculture.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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