Warianty tytułu
The Srategy of Creating the Image of Tourist Commune
Języki publikacji
Gminy poszukują źródeł przewagi konkurencyjnej. Jednym z nich jest wizerunek, który może stać się skutecznym narzędziem tworzenia przewagi konkurencyjnej, pod warunkiem wprowadzenia i wdrożenia strategii kreowania nim, opartej na badaniach marketingowych. Celem opracowania było przedstawienie przesłanek formułowania strategii kreowania wizerunku, a także zidentyfikowanie i opisanie mieszanki instrumentów image. Ponad to, w artykule przedstawione zostały podmioty strategii, poprzez wskazanie funkcji, jakie pełnią na etapie planowania, realizacji i kontroli strategii, oraz adresaci działań marketingowych gminy.
The article describes definition of image as a mental picture of organizations, that people have in their minds. Exactly an image is the impression of the person, company or institution that is held by one or more publics. An image is not a picture, that is it is not a detailed representation it is rather a few details softened with the fuzziness of perception. The image is a strategic tool for companies, organizations, communes of creating competitive advantage. A subject has it when it can deliver to customers the offer becomes aware of them as unique. An image is not equal to identity. Image is a projection of people's minds, not a real picture. Therefore two different minds may held different image of commune but identity remains the same. Limited access to market and capital and inclination to gain tourists and investors segments give occasion to competitive battle between regions that is similar to battle between companies. Because of that communes look for new sources of competitive advantage. One of them is an image. Image may be an effective tool of creating advantage, but it is necessary to introduce strategy of creating image based on marketing and market research. The article describe several stages' process of creating image based on marketing research. It mentions the tools of creating reputation (personnel, promotion--mix, price, corporate design) and their application for commune. In article we present customers and subjects of creating image and their part in the process. (original abstract)
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