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Opportunities of Applying Innovational State's Policy to Stimulate Competitivity of Polish Regions
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Opracowanie, to prezentacja skutków działań podjętych w ramach istniejących w Polsce założeń polityki innowacyjnej, proponowanych przez KBN oraz Departament Strategii Rozwoju Ministerstwa Gospodarki, które chcąc uchronić i wykorzystać możliwości zasilenia jej realizacji przez środki pomocowe UE, podjęły aktywną współpracę. Jako przykład przyjęto efekty polityki państwa ujawniające się głównie w wymiarze regionalnym, płynące z uruchomienia Programu Phare SCI-TECH II.
Presently it is commonly acceptable to believe that the most efficient way to economic progress rests upon scientific research competently directed and used to develop of technique and new technologies. Science, deciding about an intellectual level and prosperity of society, became a motive force for so called, New Economy. The stimulation of scientific research and practical application of their results is the subject of economic policy of each modern state. Both scientific and techniquely achievements have become valuable, needed in the world because of their competitivity, commodities and may generate large profits such as issued licenses, know-how and technology, chiefly considered as services. That is OECD and EU in their leading research manifest more need for integrated approach to analyze the problems connected with economic innovation and to treat them in dynamic meaning by focusing simultaneously on the creation of innovational environment and on proper support to achieve competitively. In this sense appears the true meaning of the state's innovational policy commonly speaking proinnovational. Usually, the state's innovational policy is understood as efficient support for innovational entrepreneurship of legal and natural persons. Primarily it aims at increasing of competitivity of domestic companies and efficiency of public service, which leads to increase of standard of living of society and in particular prosperity and socio-economic security, of quality of natural environment, increase of export and employment, as well as speed-up acquiring of civilizational characteristics. While applying we have to consider strengthening. Moreover, it should be underlined that innovational policy aims in Poland at constructing the policy of catching-up. Even though it has been 11 years since Poland began transformation towards free market economy and democracy, not all results may satisfy expectations of the Polish society. Many modifications are stimulated by external factors, such as decrease of science and technology sector, reduction of research and development activity, provoked by meager financial funds and reduction in number of scholars caused by slower pace in adopting new conditions of free market economy com-paring to human resources in private sector, on the other, the trend is linked with lower demand for products of scientific and research. Since Poland is associated with EU countries and attempts have been made to become a member state of EU, it may obtain financial aid for its innovation policy from EU funds. The paper considers not assertions of theoretical assumptions of a hypothetical innovational state policy, but focuses on the result of existing Polish policy in this field, coming from two institutional levels suc1 as the Committee of Scientific Research and Strategy of Development Department Ministry of Economy. Both institutions, willing to best use the opportunity of financial aid, joined their efforts. The author analyzes the results of innovation policy state on regional level based on resources of aid fund Phare SC -TECH II. (original abstract)
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