Warianty tytułu
An Outline of Political Problems in Japanese - Chinese Relationship during 1949-1972
Języki publikacji
Silne związanie japońskiej polityki zagranicznej ze strategiczną polityką USA po drugiej wojnie światowej warunkowało stosunki chińsko-japońskie. W artykule przywołano problem stosunków politycznych między Japonią a Chinami w okresie zawieszenia oficjalnych kontaktów.
The author of the paper attempts to recount the political problems that emerged during the period of non-official relationships between Japan and China. One of the most important is the issue of establishing formal relationships between both countries for which the Taiwan issue was obstacle. The afore-mentioned problems were inseparably linked with international occurrences that decisively influence the nature of Japanese and Chinese relationships. The American Occupation of Japan and their subsequent military co-operation is worthy of mention here. The signing of the Chinese - Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Common Assistance of 14th February 1950 was also a decisive factor. It was not until fundamental changes, such as the thaw in American-Soviet relationships and normalization processes in American - Chinese relationships had begun to take place in the International arena in the 1960s and 1970s that chances of establishing formal relationships between both countries became possible in 1972. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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