Warianty tytułu
Improving Organisational Structure in Construction Firms
Języki publikacji
Struktura organizacyjna firmy jest podstawowym narzędziem zarządzania. W pracy przeanalizowano i oceniono strukturę organizacyjną wybranych firm budowlanych, oraz zaproponowano rozwiązania oparte na wnioskach z przeprowadzonych badań.
The organisational structure of a firm is a basic management tool. A firm's management system should be adequate to the task before it and take account of the realities of the operating environment. It should also be flexible so that it can easily be adapted to new tasks. Construction firms are exposed to high levels of variability and complexity in the tasks they undertake, and carrying these out differs fundamentally from the course and conditions of industrial production. This suggests that the organisational structure of construction firms should have its own specific features. There should be, then, a move away from hierarchical structures to management systems based on project teams. Having established these assumptions, the article analyses and assesses the organisationall structure of a selected construction firm and proposes structural solutions based on the findings. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA