Warianty tytułu
State Aid for Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises in the European Union. France's Example
Języki publikacji
Na przykładzie Francji autorki przedstawiły jak wygląda pomoc publiczna dla przedsiębiorstw w Unii Europejskiej. Bardzo często identyfikowana jest ona ze wsparciem dla przedsiębiorstw państwowych. Tymczasem w dużej mierze odnosi się ona również do sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw.
The article's aim is to present the nature of state aid in the European Union and to demonstrate practical support instruments applied in France. The Treaty establishing the European Community explicitly forbids any state aid that destroys competition, has a negative impact on economic co-operation between the Member States, or is incompatible with free market principles. Nevertheless, there are areas in which state aid seems to be indispensable. Assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises, mostly on account of their role in job creation and in maintaining social and economic balance, is considered the so-called bloc exemption, i.e. a sector which may be supported by the State. State aid may take various forms. The article presents the system of subsidies, tax exemptions and reliefs, social exemptions and reliefs, "soft" crediting, guaranties. The role of public institutions supporting the SME sector and future lines of state aid have also been pointed out. (original abstract)
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