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2004 | nr 1031, t. 1 Polska w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej - uwarunkowania i perspektywy rozwoju | 89--106
Tytuł artykułu

Oczekiwania gospodarcze przedsiębiorstw w starych i nowych państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej

Warianty tytułu
Business Expectations in the Countries of the European Union
Języki publikacji
Przeprowadzono analizę oczekiwań gospodarczych w przedsiębiorstwach 24 państw europejskich dla lat 2002-2004. Wykazano na istotne różnice przewidywań formułowanych przez przedsiębiorców między państwami członkowskimi i krajami kandydującymi. Przyszłe państwa członkowskie wykazują większy optymizm.
The paper analyses business expectations as regards turnover, sales, employment, investment and general conditions of functioning in the EU member and candidate countries. There are substantial differences between those countries, regions of different level of development and enterprises of the manufacturing and service sectors. The analysis reveals significant differences between the expectations formulated by entrepreneurs from the EU member states and those from the candidate countries. The new member states are much more optimistic. Significant differences appear above all in employment and investments. The EU candidates are also more unanimous as regards the formulated expectations although they differ from each other. Expectations formulated by service enterprises in the member states reveal a more optimistic attitude of this sector. A reverse situation is observed in the candidate countries. Despite a definitely increasing role of the sector of services in all the countries, the role of industry in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe is still different from that in EU. (original abstract)
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