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2004 | nr 654 | 19--35
Tytuł artykułu

Transnarodowe partie polityczne w warunkach integracji europejskiej

Warianty tytułu
Transnational Political Parties under Conditions of European Integration
Języki publikacji
Artykuł analizuje fenomen transnarodowych partii i ugrupowań politycznych i ich rolę w europejskiej integracji. Zwraca uwagę, że zakres działań ponadnarodowych partii politycznych ograniczony jest zasięgiem terytorialnym i zakresem działań Unii Europejskiej, a jedyne miejsce gdzie ich obecność i działalność są widoczne jest Parlament Europejski.
This article analyses the phenomenon of transnational political parties and their role in the process of European integration. It exposes the conditions for, and reasons why, transnational political parties emerge on the European scene, and attempts to define their relationship with the existing traditional structures of political life. It points to the specificities of the EU political system as the main reason for the kind of suspended animation characteristic of transnational parties. The only place where their presence and activities are visible is the European Parliament, where they function within parliamentary parties. The article also discusses the role of national assemblies and domestic political parties with respect to existence of the European Union and its mode of operation in the political and social sphere. That problem gained in importance after 1979, when, due to the introduction of direct elections to the European Parliament, the existing ties between parliaments and national parties on the one hand, and the Assembly on the other, were torn. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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