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2002 | nr 510 | 263
Tytuł artykułu

Lokalna polityka społeczna wobec ludzi starych

Warianty tytułu
Local Social Policy Towards Old People.
Języki publikacji
Rozwiązywanie problemów społecznych ludzi starych wymaga ze strony polityki społecznej planowych, długoterminowych, realizowanych zwłaszcza na szczeblu lokalnym, działań, uwzględniających postępujące wewnętrzne zróżnicowanie kategorii ludzi starszych. W pracy zaprezentowano poglądy na zagadnienie lokalności i samorządu terytorialnego jako podmiotu władzy i polityki społecznej. Scharakteryzowano problem starości i jego znaczenie dla polityki społecznej - kluczowym zagadnieniem jest w tym przypadku starość traktowana jako kwestia społeczna. Przedstawiono problemy związane z potrzebami ludzi starych, diagnozowaniem tych potrzeb i pozycją osób starych w całym społeczeństwie. Omówiono najistotniejsze przesłanki przemawiające za wyodrębnieniem polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych, a zarazem za potrzebą prowadzenia tej polityki w skali lokalnej. Wskazano na wzajemne powiązania między polityką wobec starości i polityką wobec starszych osób. Omówiono cele lokalnej polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych i na tym tle sformułowano podstawowe zadania organów administracji samorządowej i pozostałych podmiotów tej polityki, określając skalę jej lokalności. Na podstawie wyróżnionych w pracy kryteriów scharakteryzowano dwa idealne typy lokalnej polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych - interwencyjny oraz optymalizujący zaspokojenie potrzeb. Pracę zamyka przykładowy katalog zadań, jakie powinny być realizowane w skali gminy i powiatu z myślą o poprawie sytuacji starych ludzi.
The aim of the book is to formulate theoretical basis of local social policy towards old people. The local area is considered to be the most appropriate for resolving old people's problems and creating conditions for social activization. The main thesis of this work is that resolving old people's social problems requires planned actions particularly at the local level which would take into account progressive inner diversity of old people's category and programmers creating conditions to allow maintaining the necessary level of independence according to health condition and necessity of providing them with social integration within both local community and the whole society. Meeting old people's needs at the local level gives chances of effective use of local communities potential by adjusting overall aims of social policy to local character. Empirical research shows a wide inner diversity within the group of old people. It marks not only health condition, the level of being agile and favourite pastimes but also the structure and the rate of incomes and expenditure and the range of social contacts - we witness a change of old age paradigm. Demographic, economic and health premises highlight a weaker position of old people in comparison to the rest of society. Social, cultural and lego-institutional premises draw attention at the tasks of local communities and institutions of social policy towards different groups that form old people community. They point out a diverse position of old people in their environment depending on family situation, the level of education and attitude of local community towards old people. They also express opinion of the whole society towards old people. The main proposed premises of social policy towards old people have been completed with suitable tasks. On the basis of demographic qualities the weakest groups can be pointed out. The tasks permitting social integration should be targeted on old people's groups as a whole. There is a real danger that policy's tasks towards old people will be formulated double - tracked: addressed to more and more dependent on other people "old old" will aim at fulfilling the basic needs and possibly care benefits, while targeted on socially mobile, active "young old" will refer to maintaining independence and creating conditions to put their own needs into practice. Social policy towards elderly people can be defined as a system of actions targeted on people in their unproductive age and their families. These actions aim at versatile compensation of decreasing with aging possibilities of independent responding to the needs and integration with local community. Local social policy is a chance for social policy system of expenditure rationalization and better meeting people's needs. It should be treated as a supplement and natural consequence of actions at the domestic level. If central institutions have a task to formulate the main aims and set the framework for their implementation, the tasks of local level institutions is materialization of the aims, adjusting them to local character and such modification which allows efficient resolving of these problems. Depending on chosen model of social policy towards old people in local scale it may be closer to an ideal type of intervention towards economically weaker older people or a type optimizing meeting needs of the whole local old people community. The first mentioned type focuses on giving services in order to fulfill the basic needs that determine the existence of the individual. The other seeks to create possibilities of independent, active life in an integrated local community. Actually, the model which is put into effect depends on economic situation of a country, the integration level of the population and democratically set priorities of local authorities. The greater part of benefits within policy towards old people is in the form of services. To widen the scope of services and increase the number of people using them it is urgent to work out the mechanism of financing this policy. A chance to resolve this problem is introducing a social system of care insurance that would finance services, while supplying them would be the domain of local social policy institutions. This solution creates actual opportunities of social integration of old people, maintaining the necessary level of independence, providing them with the right of decision making and giving support for families that look after senior citizens. Implementation of social policy towards old people is carried out on at least two levels: domestic and local. At the local level it is essential to detail the aims so that being coherent with the aims at the domestic level would also take into account local diversity: socio-demographic situation of older people, commonly acceptable norms and customs, typical forms of family relations and local social ties. The actions coordinated by local authorities attempt at fulfilling needs at the local level by using local network of social infrastructure. The proposed aims of social policy towards old people at the domestic and local level enable a changeover in traditional understanding of benefits for old people as benefits for less and less agile and dependent persons. Social policy towards old people cannot be exclusively policy in aid of old people but should be a policy of assistance in organizing their lives. This policy in the highest position in the hierarchy of the aims should place maintaining by elderly persons such large area of independence that is possible in circumstances connected with their health condition and physical fitness.. The highlighted premises of social policy towards old people aim at drawing attention to strong connections between their needs and standard of living in previous periods There are four addressees of social policy's benefits towards an old man: directly he himself, his closest environment (first of all family), non-government organizations (above all mutual aid groups) and groups of people reaching retirement age (preparation for old age). Local social policy can be a factor facilitating integration processes in local scale, democratization of social relations and can create favourable conditions for local development. (original abstract)
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