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Concepts of Paradigms in Accounting Science
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono istotę paradygmatów w nauce rachunkowości według: M. C. Wellsa, J. E. Butterwotha, R. Mattessicha oraz A. R. Belkaouiego. W zakończeniu zaprezentowano próbę sformułowania paradygmatów współczesnej rachunkowości w Polsce przez W. Brzezina.
In this article, the author presents selected views on the essence of paradigms in accounting science. She presents the concepts proposed by M. C. Wells, J. E. Butterwoth, R. Mattessich, A. R. Belkaoui and W. Brzezin. These concepts of paradigms underscore the role of accounting in providing Information to multiple recipients. They stress how this information is directed towards the decision-making process as well as towards evaluating the effectiveness of managing entrusted assets. Regardless of the similarities and differences in the positions adopted by accounting science theorists, it is possible to state that accounting is a multi-paradigm discipline. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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